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How many times you can fold one sheet of paper in half ?
Published Time:2015-06-30 Original Source:How many times you can fold one sheet of paper in half ?
How many times you can fold one sheet of paper in half ?
The answers is 7 times if you fold a normal A4 printing paper.
It depends on the tickness, size and hardness of the paper actually.
The world record is 13 times ! Do you want to try it ?
For a long time it was believed that it was impossible to fold a piece of paper in half more than seven times. People would use different sizes and thickness of paper, but to no avail. However, Britney Gallivan solved the paper folding problem and she currently holds the world record for paper folding with an astonishing 12 folds in half.
She was first to discover the reason folding in half has limits and then derived the limits mathematically. The formula Britney came up with is way too complicated to explain here, but if you’re interested, Wikipedia has a shot at it.
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